Gifts Are Everywhere


Depending on your outlook, Thanksgiving can be a wonderful holiday or a deeply troubling time. While it might be tempting to dwell on your current challenges, it’s far more productive to think about the gifts all around you. For example, while my wonderful mom is no longer with us, my dad is, so we’re going to make sure he enjoys plenty of turkey and football at our house this weekend.

Gifts are everywhere if you just take the time to look for them. You and I have a choice in how we respond to anything that does or does not happen the way we want. We always have a choice. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that when life gets challenging.

So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to encourage you to make a gratitude list. Life strategist Tony Robbins says it’s impossible to live in anger or fear when you’re in gratitude. I agree.

Your gratitude list can be a simple collection of one-word reminders or a full-blown essay to help you remember how fortunate you are.

Click the “Keep Reading” link below to learn more about how a gratitude list can make a difference in your life. And if you’re in the US, best wishes to you and yours for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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