On Self-Imposed Deadlines and the Big Picture

Living Forward

Today is the end of March and my website redesign is due. This was a self-imposed deadline I set for myself on March 1. As you can see, the new design isn’t ready yet.

Life Happens

As sometimes happens, life got in the way. I decided to re-set my priorities and take full responsibility for doing so. I tend to do that a lot as a working mom anyway, so I’m fairly used to it. It seems like the only thing that is constant in my world is change.

Managing Change

If you follow my blog, you may recall I published my last post during an unexpected flight to Los Angeles. I wish I could say it was for fun, but one of my closest friends passed away suddenly earlier this month. It was a total shock. I’ve been in a bit of a fog ever since, but things are better now.

I’m so thankful I was able to make the trip to celebrate my friend’s life with his family and other close friends. It made me think a lot about why I do what I do. After all, I had five hours on the plane ride there and back to think about a lot of things.

The Gift Of Time

I had the time. What a gift. In the past I might not have been able to get away on such short notice. But because I’m self-employed, I was able to immediately shift my schedule around and make myself available.

I didn’t need anyone’s permission. Of course I let my clients know what was going on, but luckily two days out of the office didn’t compromise any of their deadlines. But it did impact the launch date for my new site, and that’s ok. I’ll get it done.

Instead of a 30-day challenge it’s looking more like a 40-day event. The point is I haven’t forgotten my original goal. It’s still in the cue, waiting for its big moment. The only person waiting for it is me. It’s just a small part of a much bigger picture.

Living Forward

On the way home I started reading Living Forward by Michael Hyatt. The main topic of the book focuses on the importance of setting up various “life accounts”.

Just as you might setup different savings accounts for different goals, in Living Forward Hyatt suggests setting up different life accounts. These include accounts for yourself, your spouse, one for your children, extended family, career, social life, community and hobbies.

Whether using currency or by paying close attention, Hyatt maintains that it’s critical to make appropriate investments in each of these accounts over the course of your lifetime. It’s how you create a meaningful legacy.

Keeping Perspective

It was a good book to read on the way home and very timely. It inspired me to think about my own life accounts and how I might start paying appropriate attention to all of them.

Whatever you’re working on right now, take a moment to take a step back and look at the big picture. It will give you some room to breathe and help put things in perspective.