Make A Gratitude List


It’s almost Thanksgiving here in the U.S. Today’s post is just a quick holiday greeting :)

Depending on your outlook, Thanksgiving can be a wonderful holiday or a deeply troubling time. While it might be tempting to dwell on your current challenges, it’s far more productive to think about the gifts all around you.

Gifts Are Everywhere

While it’s tempting to dwell on the difficulties, it’s far more productive to think about the here and now. Gifts are everywhere if you just take the time to look for them. You and I have a choice in how we respond to anything that does or does not happen the way we want. We always have a choice. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that when life gets challenging.

So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to encourage you to make a gratitude list. Life strategist Tony Robbins says it’s impossible to live in anger or fear when you’re in gratitude. I agree.

Your gratitude list can be a simple collection of one-word reminders or a full-blown essay to help you remember how fortunate you are. My gratitude list is always changing, but here’s the latest and greatest. Feel free to use it to create your own:

Mary’s Gratitude List

  • I’m thankful you are reading these words right now. The internet is a big place. Thanks for stopping by :)
  • I’m incredibly grateful for my husband and daughter. They are my everything.
  • I’m thankful for my amazing mom, all the fun we had and everything she taught me.
  • I’m thankful for my wonderful dad. Such a kind and generous soul.
  • I’m thankful for my awesome brother and sister and their families.
  • I’m thankful for clean water and a roof over my head.
  • I’m thankful for good health, good food and good friends.
  • I’m thankful for the speaking opportunities that came through my blog.
  • I’m so thankful I get to work as a UX professional. It’s a great gig!

More Thankful Thoughts

Your Turn

Wherever you are in the world, take a moment to give thanks and reflect on everything you have been given. See how it makes you feel.

And now it’s time to start cooking. If you’re in the U.S., here’s wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. As always, thanks for reading!